January is here and, as the culmination of the Christmas celebrations, we celebrate the traditional Noche de Reyes Magos (Night of the Three Wise Men) Although in most countries it is Santa Claus who brings Christmas gifts, here, following our Catholic tradition, the...
Christmas 2024
CHRISTMAS HAS COME TO GAUCIN This is a time of meeting up with family and friends, celebration, enjoying traditional cakes, gifts and sharing good wishes. As in all towns, the Christmas season begins with the lighting of the Christmas street lights and the typica...
The famous “Copper Forest” starts to colour the Genal Valley in La Serranía de Ronda.
The green tones of chestnut leaves are giving way to ochre and copper hues in the genal valley in the Serranía de Ronda. The time has come for these trees to become the focal point ofautumn in Málaga province. The Bosque de Cobre (Copper forest) gains its name from...
September in Gaucín
September is a special month for the people of Gaucin. Close to our heart and a big part of our tradition, are the festivities in honour of the Holy Child and St John of God. The festivities are celebrated annually on 7th & 8th September. As part of the...
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